
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Monkey's at the VIFF

No, I'm not silently protesting the VIFF by not going, I'm just still saturated by years and years of involvement with them and know that if I get within a few feet of a VIFF event I'll want to be involved again, and we just can't do that as it will inevitably end in tears. They have some really great films showing, of course. The one I was considering breaking pattern for is Monkey Warfare and really it's only because the love of my life - Don McKellar - is in it. Yes, I'm in love with a nerdy Canadian Filmmaker - there, I said it. The fact that he doesn't know who I am (unless he remembers that time we brushed up against each other at that Canadian Images party a few years ago) - is merely a minor setback. I still may go see the film this morning but I think I've caught my house-guest's cold so I may just spend the day watching my zip.ca movies instead. Besides, I'm not sure if I'm ready to see my darling Don McKellar with a handlebar moustache.

Science of Gondry

Michel Gondry has a twisted mind. Oh how I love twisted minds. I'm not sure I LOVED Science of Sleep. I certainly didn't like it as much as Eternal Sunshine, but I suppose it's unfair to make that comparison - it's a different film. I did like it though, but it did take me a while to talk myself through it. It's a confusing film with incredible imagry. It's not always clear when our hero is awake or dreaming and the cuts can be a bit messy but really, that's what it's like in our hero's head. Once I decided that that's what Gondry was doing (that and concluded that the hero might be mentally ill) I was able to let go of any expectations and enjoy. Gael Garcia Bernal has secured his place in my heart of one of my "I don't care what the film is, if Bernal is in it - it's good" actors. He was absolutely delightful. I also loved the used of language and stop motion. It was a rich film for many reasons, and it's definitely not a typical hollywood cookiecutter film. As a bonus - Fifth Ave Cinemas finally replaced their seats!

Sad Excuse for a Blogger

I realize I'm hardly living up to my purpose for keeping this blog if I don't actually pre/re-view shows. The sad part is that it's not like I haven't had things to write about. This summer has been rather amazing for shows, music & film. Here's a sampling of what I didn't write about:
Little Miss Sunshine - I laughed so hard I lost my voice
Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir - fabulous if you like appalachian music
Mission Folk Fest - very very hot but worth it for the great music
Portobello West - has potential
Prairie Home Companion - very sweet for those into the genre

But it took going to see Hawksley Workman to bring me back. First a bit of history...
I first saw the beautiful man a couple of years ago when a friend called up to say he had an extra ticket and asked if I would like to go. I had heard of Hawksley but hadn't heard him, but I hadn't seen my friend in ages so I said okay. I think went internet-spelunking and found the video for Jealous of Your Cigarette and was stunned and the live show lived up. A couple of weeks ago when another friend asked if I wan't to go see Hawksley I just couldn't decline.

I must admit I liked the intimacy of the previous show at Richards on Richards as opposed to this show at the Commodore. The smaller venue lends itself a bit better to his intimate personality. My friend and I both agree he seemed a bit off, but "off" for Hawksley is still pretty amazing. He played all of my favourites and I rather enjoyed the mid-song interlude of Pinball Wizard. I'm only sad that my allergy meds knocked me on my ass, forcing me to leave before the 3 encores. But if a gal is gonna wear her feather boa then she's gotta takes the meds. And really, if I can't wear a boa to see Hawksley, what's the point of having one?