Science of Gondry
Michel Gondry has a twisted mind. Oh how I love twisted minds. I'm not sure I LOVED Science of Sleep. I certainly didn't like it as much as Eternal Sunshine, but I suppose it's unfair to make that comparison - it's a different film. I did like it though, but it did take me a while to talk myself through it. It's a confusing film with incredible imagry. It's not always clear when our hero is awake or dreaming and the cuts can be a bit messy but really, that's what it's like in our hero's head. Once I decided that that's what Gondry was doing (that and concluded that the hero might be mentally ill) I was able to let go of any expectations and enjoy. Gael Garcia Bernal has secured his place in my heart of one of my "I don't care what the film is, if Bernal is in it - it's good" actors. He was absolutely delightful. I also loved the used of language and stop motion. It was a rich film for many reasons, and it's definitely not a typical hollywood cookiecutter film. As a bonus - Fifth Ave Cinemas finally replaced their seats!
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